Aridnis Divine Artisan Soap - Turmeric, Calendula, Chamomile & Oats


Ingredients: extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, organic cocoa butter, castor oil, goat milk, organic oats, organic calendula flowers, chamomile flowers, turmeric, kaolin clay, organic lavandula angustifolia essential oil, natural fragrance oil, sodium lactate.

Aridnis Divine Exfoliating Turmeric Scrub 8 oz


Ingredients: brown sugar, rice flour, avocado oil, mango butter, grape seed oil, organic coconut oil, organic oats, olive emulsifying wax, stearic acid, turmeric, licorice root powder, germall plus, ashwagandha, natural fragrance oil, geranium essential oil, organic ylang ylang essential oil, organic lemon essential oil.

SpaYoka 100% Castille Soap 16 oz


100% Olive Oil Castille Soap. Suitable as a body wash, face wash and shampoo.

SpaYoka 100% Castille Soap 8 oz


100% Olive Oil Castille Soap. Suitable as a body wash, face wash and shampoo.